
About Us

In addition to our driving academy, we’ve successfully transitioned more than 100 former felons into the surrounding communities and the greater Memphis area.

We offer commercial driving license training to young adults who are ready to make an impact on their lives.  We are a felon friendly organization and believe that everyone deserves a second chance. In over 2 years, we’ve graduated about 200 students from our programs. Our greatest accomplishment is the ability to help others achieve their dreams and goals.

Our Mission

Committed to a humanitarian mission to build safer communities by reducing violence through workforce training, development, and employment opportunities.

Impact on Society:

The Next 48 is an inspiring short film that chronicles the remarkable journey of Kenneth Gray from a troubled youth in 1980s Memphis to a symbol of hope and redemption. Gray’s story offers a raw and honest portrayal of the challenges faced by many young people growing up in difficult circumstances and the devastating consequences of making wrong choices.

Imprisonment serves as a stark turning point for Gray, revealing the cycle of recidivism that traps countless individuals. Yet, his determination to break free and build a new life is a testament to the power of human resilience. This film resonates with audiences seeking inspiration and guidance, offering a message of hope and the possibility of overcoming adversity.

Another cornerstone of our involvement with the Next 48 is our train-to-work program.  We also have the Gray Eagle Driving Academy; our driving academy is more than just a training program; it’s a pathway to a new life. We’ve successfully reintegrated over 100 former felons into the Memphis community. By offering commercial driving license training, we empower young adults with the skills and confidence to build successful careers.

As a felon-friendly organization, we believe in second chances. In just two years, we’ve graduated nearly 200 students who are now making a positive impact. Our greatest reward is witnessing our students achieve their dreams and goals.


``Give A Hand To Make
The World Better``

Our Services

We Fostering Personal and
Professional Growth

Empowering individuals through comprehensive support and development opportunities.

Spiritual Guidance

Discover Inner Peace Through Spiritual Guidance Our Spiritual Guidance service offers a compassionate approach to finding inner peace and purpose. In a world full of distractions and uncertainties, many individuals…
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Empowering Minds Through Education Our Education service is dedicated to providing high-quality learning opportunities that empower individuals to achieve their full potential. We offer diverse programs designed to enhance knowledge…
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Workforce Training and Development

Equip Yourself for Success with Workforce Training and Development Our Workforce Training and Development service is designed to provide individuals and organizations with the skills needed to thrive in today’s…
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Join Us in Making a Difference

Volunteers are the heart of our organization, driving change and making a lasting impact in our community. By joining our team, you’ll contribute to meaningful projects that support spiritual growth, educational advancement, and workforce development. We offer a range of volunteer opportunities to match your interests and skills, providing a fulfilling way to give back while gaining valuable experience.

Whether you’re looking to mentor, lead workshops, or assist in daily operations, your involvement will help us achieve our mission and create positive change. Join us today and be a part of something extraordinary.

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